Freitag, 30. April 2010

Hairy Chapter - Can't Get Through (Second Battle, SB LP 038) GER 1971

After the first Bunch of UK and US-Albums, let's turn to something from the vital German Rock Scene of the early 70's.
This one is Hairy Chapter's second effort after the well received "Eyes" (1970) and it is a great piece of Rock-Music as well as a major improvement if you compare it to their debut.
Can't Get Through is a nice example of an Album that stands out because of the excellent guitar work and the, for Hardrock-Standards, more complex arrangements (just check the Horns and Strings featured on "As We Crossed Over")...definitely nothing for Mister Simple or Mister Ordinary.
The (english) Vocals are allright and without the terrible Accent we know from many other German Albums out of these Times....this one is a Goodie and absolutely deserves it's Place amongst my personal Kraut-Top 20. another Killer-Track for you!

By the Way: Produced and engineered by Studio-Guru Dieter be assured, that Sound-Quality and Mix are awesome!

Give it a Spin - you won't be disappointed!

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