Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010

Creative Rock - Gorilla (Brain Metronome, 1061) GER 1972

With "Gorilla" Creative Rock recorded one of the finest brass-powered Kraut-albums i have heard so far....remarkable because of the musical quality, the weird ideas (closing the album with a distorted, completely deconstructed variation of the famous march "Preußens Gloria" and calling it "Preußens Gorilla" is weird enough if you ask me) and the trippy freaked out lyrics - all these elements are typical for the contemporary German music-scene of the early 1970's....a record like that would have never been released in the States or the UK at that time.
Creative Rock worked out their own special blend of musical-styles but if you really want to compare them with other bands you could probably pick out Colosseum or Nucleus.
After releasing one more record called "Lady Pig" Creative Rock disbanded....some of the members went on to form a (completely uninteresting) band called "Flight" in the early 80ies.

Sorry but i ain't got no links to tracks from this album, as there are absolutely no streams available at the moment....try to find it somewhere else

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