Montag, 10. Mai 2010

Witchcraft - S/T (Rise Above Records, RISEPD 47) SWE 2004

Witchcraft's glorious debut!

As this has been on heavy rotation during the last two days i thought i'd write some lines about this record, although most of you probably already know (and love?) it.

Recorded in 2004 but sounding like straight out of the early 1970ies this record truly delivers the feeling of being thrown into a time-machine and shot back to these ancient days of musical greatness.
As you already might have noticed, i'm truly fond of this album, which i definitely rate among the best doom/rock-related musical outputs of the last ten years.
Fronted by guitarist and singer Magnus Pellander (who recently released his first solo album on Svart-Records)Witchcraft created an album that manages to impress with an unique atmosphere that definitely takes you back in time. The Music is a blend of doom, folk and classic rock ...everything fits on this one...playing is great and Pelander's singing touches even my cold heart of stone ;)
The lyrics deal with betrayal, witchery , kings selling their daughters to the devil....honestly, what do you want more?!
I already said it several times and i'd like to say it again: THIS IS WITCHCRAFT'S BEST ALBUM!!.....i won't even argue about that because i am right and everyone with a different oppinion regarding this record is terribly wrong and should be ashamed.
Although the other two records (Firewood and The Alchimist) are good (especially Firewood) they lack the magic atmosphere of the be honest, some parts of "The Alchmist" even bore me - maybe because of a more progressive approach; Although i don't have a problem with progressive music and complex, lengthy arrangements i do think this band has other strengths.

Anyway, here are some further comments - all amazing stuff!

No Angel Or Demon

It's So Easy

I Want You To Know

Her Sisters They Were Weak

The Snake

Please Don't Forget Me

Lady Winter

Schyssta Lögner

2 Kommentare:

  1. This one is easily one of the best "newer" albums. The "cover" is nice too. :)

  2. True, Ratio!...and i know that you lucky boy have it on vinyl old music-connaisseur! ;)
