Montag, 3. Mai 2010

Ashkan - In From The Cold (Sire, SES 97017) UK 1969

Cheers Ladies and Gents,

Reeeally excited to write about this one because i just got it delivered couple of hours ago and i can tell you that i have been desperately waiting!
Ashkan's one and only Album has been a recent discovery for me and soon turned into one of these "Must have" - Records i knew i had to chase down... again,luck was on my side and i managed to get a nice US-copy out of the Archives of this Radio Station - marked and stamped for that lovable "My Record has a History"-Feeling.
What we get from this four Guys from the UK is a solid blend of HardRock/Blues with amazing Guitarwork and great Vocals (Again Joe Cocker comes to Mind when hearing Steve Bailey's Voice....i wonder how many Singers i will compare to Cocker as this Blog runs on....well, maybe i'm a little bit obsessive about good old Joe and just don't know it yet).
Anyway....this has to receive an honourable Mention as one of the best almost unknown Hardrock/Blues/Whatever-Records i've heard from the late Sixties so Stinkers on that one and just to point it out (if i didn't already): It's HEAVY!

Just listen to Going Home (i just love that one) or One Of Us Two

Just noticed that i almost forgot a little piece of Trivia that maybe should be mentioned: After Ashkan's End Bob Weston joined Fleetwood Mac where he played the Guitar 'til 1974...

To bring this to an the Backlash Blues for all you little Ramblers out there.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Named after their favourite inspiration (ashcan full of weird smokes) there are four hippies hiding in the corn to protect them from cold. Again this cover does not make any sense. The old windmill is awesome. They are singing about quitting their jobs, maybe they should go work in the windmill.

  2. Are you shure about the protecting from the cold thing? Maybe the got bad cider with a lot of pears in it. I think they had to let something go....

  3. i'm happy that i can only see the upper half of their bodies ;)

  4. Lets recap. The album title says something about doing something against the cold or that they fled from the cold. Judging their hair length they probably meant the cold society or the cold government. They clearly need a job because they say so in their song. The writer of the blog contacted me and said that the windmill isn't working anymore because, as you can see, no wind sails. So they won't find any work and in frustration they took a leek in the corn field, wasting perfect food. Because they are hippies they believe that someone will share food with them nonetheless.

  5. Yeah...seems like Columbo solved the case!
