Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010

Devo - Q: Are we not Men? A: We are Devo! (Virgin 26353 XOT) US 1978

What a jump - from the rock-solid , grounded british Steamhammer to the first Devo, i am not bonkers - i just couldn't resist writing these lines as i recently dug this one out again.

So what about this strange phenomenon called Devo? ... well, Mark Mothersbaugh and the rest of the bunch deliver supreme-musical-weirdness since the late seventies.
Named after the concept of human de-evolution these guys continue to proof that there is nothing too strange when it comes to music. Their lyrics as well as their song-structures can hardly be compared with the output of any other musical-act except maybe some things recorded by the Residents. This is rock, this is new wave, this is punk, this is synthie-pop as well as this is retard-rap....i could go on like this for minutes so i won't even try to categorize this music - i will simply tag it as Devo.

This one is Devo's first album and many like to call it their best one. As far as i'm concerned it is definitely the best Devo album i've heard so far, although i liked all of them of at least found them amusing.

Here some tracks for you:

Mongoloid (live)

Satisfaction (Rolling heard in Martin Scorsese's movie Casino)

Uncontrollable Urge (live at the Olympic Winter Games 2010!!!...awesome, but who the hell had the balls to book Devo?! ...please watch the hundreds of Energy Domes in the crowd! :))

Enjoy it and as you surely are a fan now, why not buy your own Energy Dome at the Devo Store? ;)

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