Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

Pacific Sound - Forget Your Dream! (Long Hair LHC 73) CH 1972

Straight out of lovely Switzerland comes this remarkable record that should be known for it's disgusting and disturbing cover-photograph as well as for being one of the better albums out of the swiss rock-scene of the early 70ies.
Pacific sound were four guys from Neuchatel who started as a cover-band and then went on to record their only album which was released on the small "Splendid" label.....these days original copies sell for a small fortune but luckily there is a recent "Long-Hair"-Reissue that sounds + looks very good.

The music is a blend of heavy psychedelia, blues and straight rock (probably inspired by US-Westcoast Bands and of course Jimi Hendrix as they even released a single named "Ballad To Jimi" back in 1971).
This mixture works fine for me, specially because they obviously know what to do and how to do it...i specially like the heavy, driving organ-parts as to be heard on Forget Your Dream!

Take a glimpse at their mellow side on Ceremony For A Dead

So if you like good and varied 70's rock or you want to give ancient swiss-music a chance, do yourself a favour and pick this one up......if my mind doesn't trick me again, then DiMarco the mighty and invincible record-warlord still has one copy of the reissue available in his shop ;)

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